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A little bit about me in this blog...

a profile photo of a short-haired woman on a beach, the photo features a rainbow and light effects

The word Unart is one of the pearls of the German language, which can be translated as "bad behaviour" or "disobedience", but also as an irreverent, daring and conscious art form. Let's just say that this noun is a gift to those who seek to describe behaviour and attitudes that are far from obeying the status quo. We can also say that these behaviours and attitudes have a broad scope, ranging from chewing with your mouth open to questioning society's standards and ‘truths’. There's no doubt that humanity has always surpassed itself in the art of discomfort.

But here, this word characterises the essence of the real art of "questioning". After all, there are always those who turn disobedience into a sustainable lifestyle, which in the end proves to be something of great value - Hannah Arendt, Friedrich Nietzsche, Galileo Galilei, Simone de Beauvoir, Ada Lovelace, Hypatia of Alexandria to name but a few. The list of people who dared to challenge the imposed norms is long and you'll notice quotes about these, mentioned above and others in my articles.

So you've already realised that this blog is for those who, like me, prefer discomfort to complacency; for those who see questions as a chance for transcendence and certainties as a burden disguised as security. Here, each article is a call to combat existential monotony and an invitation to get lost in the subtleties of everything we avoid facing.


My writing is acidic, clear, provocative and won't please everyone. Let's face it, our society is intoxicated by simple absolutist truths and dogmas disguised as wisdom. That said, if I make you laugh, it's with sarcasm that reflects the absurdity and wonder of the human condition; if I make you think, it's with sharp analogies that deconstruct the ordinary so that you see life with the strangeness and splendour it deserves.


I'll deal with themes relating to consciousness and reality, as well as all the comedy that is being human - because I believe that it's in the fusion between humour and what we call truth that we find the breaking point for something much deeper.


There's no cosy script or self-help narrative here. There is only a winding path, a naked mirror where illusions are shattered for those who have the courage to see. This is the space for those who prefer to dance on the edge of the abyss, because in each article you won't just find ideas and perspectives but an inverted lens on what we call reality, with bold analyses of our conventions and an invitation to explore what lies beyond the trivial.


If the hunger for knowledge and doubt drives you, if intellectual discomfort is an acceptable price for a broader perception, and if the search for truth - however uncertain - is your personal revolution, then welcome. I'm not offering you answers, just another perspective on the journey, where the question is always greater than the conclusion and critical thinking is our most faithful companion.


Read, reflect, question and enjoy without moderation.



"Illusion crumbles when we question reality" - UN4RT

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